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It's time to get over your fear of writing online (plus a Chief of Staff opportunity @ a pre-seed startup)

Why sharing your story serves a higher purpose PLUS 3 incredible Chief of Staff roles I came across and the hottest stories on X this week

I’m currently reading a book called “Love Money, Money Loves You” by Sarah McCrum, and it’s about connecting with the energy of money. While it’s maybe a bit woo for some, it’s a book I highly recommend for anyone who wants to make more money by challenging their relationship with it.

Here’s an excerpt:

If everyone on earth was making and spending millions every year, there would be a much higher level of activity in the world and a much higher level of sharing.
When you buy something, someone else gives you something, and you create an act of service through your purchase.
Where there is little buying, there is little service. Where there is a lot of buying, there are very high levels of service.
The people who make the most money give the greatest levels of service. The people who spend the most money create the greatest levels of service, by giving others the opportunity to serve.
When we serve others, we increase our capacity for life, and this is the greatest thing we can do.

That last line really resonated with me. I’m a big believer that being in service of others is aligned with our greatest good and highest aim: the expansion of our consciousness (and what is consciousness if not life eternal?).

While making and spending a lot of money is one way of achieving this, another way is simply sharing our stories online.

Humans have been storytelling since the beginning of time. It’s quite literally how we've survived and evolved as a species. But beyond the bare bones of being a way to communicate, it’s how we transfer wisdom, impart morals, and connect with one another.

It’s also how we help each other.

But people usually never get to the point where they feel comfortable writing online. Just look at LinkedIn. Nearly 850 million users and only ~3 million post regularly (0.35%)! People are way more active on X, but of 335 million users, 10% are responsible for >90% of all posts. Crazy.

I think what blocks a lot of people from writing online comes down to fears like imposter syndrome (“I don’t know what I’m talking about”) and being judged (“people won’t like or don’t care what I have to say”). At least, these are the most commonly cited reasons by the people I’ve spoken to. But they’re wrong.

If you’ve been in a role for even a year, think of all that you’ve learned during that time. Now add 5 years to that. A decade or more? You’re basically an expert, likely on a few different things. And frankly, if you’ve read just two books on a single subject, you are far more informed on the topic than mostly anyone else in the world, because most people don’t read.

Just the simple act of writing online, regardless of the topic, can be enough to inspire or encourage someone else to reflect, take action, or even start off on their own journey of discovery and learning. This is what people have said to me about my writing — why couldn’t the same be true for you?

What more, think about how writing about your professional insights or what you’re going though personally might be exactly what someone needs to hear at that exact moment in time, or exactly what you need to keep learning, stay curious, and connect with “your people”. If this resonates with you at all, that’s the universe at work, and it’s extremely powerful.

So don’t discount yourself before you even step up to the plate. Don’t listen to the “small i” that’s your ego telling you you can’t or shouldn’t, or “but what if”s you to death. Give your Authentic Self — the “big I” — a shot. Write from the heart, write what matters to you, be in service of others, expand your capacity for life. Your voice matters, and you might just be surprised at the reach and impact of your words.

✨Search Spotlight✨

I couldn’t be more excited to find the perfect Chief of Staff to the co-founder & CEO of this stealth pre-seed startup! This team of 3 co-founders is building the OS for small business ownership, aimed at managing the $68 trillion of wealth that will be transferred over the next 2 decades.

All the co-founders have had successful exits and have deep operational, technical, and finance experience. It’s a dream team to work alongside.

Here are some key highlights of the company and role:

🌐 They recently closed their pre-seed round with a top-tier VC in Chicago

🔁 The Chief of Staff will be heavily focused on establishing, refining, and optimizing operational frameworks – think hardcore bizops

🤩 It’s worth stressing twice that this person should be maniacal about operations. Every single position must have systems built out, and the Chief of Staff will be in the lead for this

🚀 You’d be one of the first 5 employees getting in on the ground floor

Additional key details:

🚨 You must have experience at McKinsey, Bain, or BCG

🔢 They don’t need a Chief of Staff with deep finance experience, but you should be comfortable with Excel

💰 Up to $150k cash comp (great base for pre-seed) + equity

📍 This role is remote, but ideal candidates are based in CST or EST zone

If you're interested and want to learn more about the company, just apply here! I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Know someone who could be a fit for this role? Feel free to share this post!

Here’s a quick roundup of Chief of Staff jobs I came across last week & my thoughts:

🛋 Chief of Staff @ Wayfair — a zillion things for your home

Why I like it: Yes, I’m putting the recent controversy aside because this is a huge opportunity to help the CMO run an “org within an org”, namely, a 250-person marketing team. This is a very comms and strategy-heavy role, as the Chief of Staff would own department-wide & crisis communications and strategic initiatives, as well as help build talent density within their team.

Ideal candidates will have 7-10 YoE across corporate comms, the Chief of Staff role, or technology/B2B PR or marketing.

What would also stand out is evidence of scrappy start-up execution and a get-it-done attitude…which reminds me of the “founder mentality” that their CEO clearly values (based on his recent public remarks).

I’m not sure what compensation is for this role, but word on the street is that target comp for Chief of Staff at Wayfair was ~$650k a few years ago.

📍 This role is based at the heart of Wayfair's marketing operations at their global HQ in Boston.

💳 Chief of Staff at Esusu — pioneering credit access & bridging the wealth gap

Why I like it: Esusu is a fintech that enables renters to build and establish their credit scores through on-time rent reporting. Their year-long pilot with Fannie Mae resulted in 22,155 new credit scores for previously "credit-invisible renters" and the creation of nearly $3B in new credit tradelines (loans, mortgages, credit cards, etc).

They’re looking for a Chief of Staff to help run weekly, monthly, and quarterly business reviews, plan strategic offsites, manage investor relations, and run with special projects.

Ideal candidates will have a hardcore finance background – 3 YoE in corporate leadership roles like General Manager or equivalent and 2 YoE in private equity, venture capital or corporate finance with due diligence and investment experience.

Base salary is ~$230k.

📍This role is onsite in NYC.

👩‍💻 Chief of Staff/Operations Lead @ The New Club — connecting the world’s women in engineering

Why I like it: At first glance, it looks like The New Club is looking to be Chief for women in engineering (and in general, the unbundling of Chief makes a ton of sense). On their website, they highlight The New Club as a new way of belonging and offer coaching, weekend retreats and job search support.I think this role is unique because of the exposure to venture capital, operations, biz dev, and network & community-building, and the opportunity to be the operational backbone of the company.

Of note: the JD is brief but very well written – you can tell there’s a very high bar for excellence.

They’re looking for a Chief of Staff with 2-6 YoE in operations/bizops, biz dev or strategy, and experience working exclusively in high-performance environments.

📍This role is hybrid in SF 2-3x per week.

My bookmarks on X:


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